SAN - Acrylonitrile Styrene
SAN Styrenacrylnitril Styren-Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylonitrile Copolymer
Application: toothbrushes, disposable lighters, household goods, transparent lid for electronics cabinets, battery boxes, medical equipments, toys, instrument lenses, instrument parts, packaging articles.
blow molding: Excellent
Fire: Burner and produces black smoke. May be added flame retardants.
Bending: SAN plates can be bent over the heating wire, / ifrarødt heater. The plate is held in this position, until it has cooled.
Electrical properties: dielectric strength (kV / mm):18
Colors: Shiny transparent plastic.
Moisture absorption: SAN is more moisture absorbent than PS. Approx.. O,2 %.
History: SAN were produced in laboratory of I. G. Faben Industries i 1932 and an actual production started in 1937. Consumption rose sharply from 1970 to 1985 and then was more stable.
Identification fire test: Burns with bright flame and produces black smoke. Smells sweetish. Can be added flame retardant.
Trade names: TYRIL®, Luran® TEXOTAN®
Category: SAN is an amorphous rigid thermoplastic material.
Chemical resistance: Better than polystyrene.. Poor facing and oils and many organic solvents. Reasonable to acids. Good opposite bases.
Chemical structure: SAN er en amorf termoplast, consisting of styrene copolymerized with acrylonitrile SAN, with varying ratios of styrene and acrylonitrile (The styrene content of from about. 65% to 85%). Density ca. 1,08 .
Bonding: Kontaktlim or two-component adhesives.
Mechanical properties: SAN har god dimensionsstabilitet, good resistance to stress cracking, relatively high impact resistance and overall better performance than polystyrene.
Optical properties: Shiny transparent plastic. SAN s weakly cute, if acrylonitil share have a higher level. Transparens dårligere end PMMA.
Rotationsstøbning: Excellent.
Injection molding: Widely used.
Welding: Butt welding with quick changeover time, depending on the blends.
Ultrasonic welding.
Thermal Properties. Improved thermal stability PS.
additives: Can be reinforced with glass fibers and PTFE – adjusted. Used in conjunction with structural foam.
UV- Stability: Better than polystyrene, but not as good as PMMA .
Thermoforming (Termoformning): Excellent.